Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rebounding Exercise Benefits

I learned recently about rebounding health benefits. Did you know that rebounding exercise is a great way to lose weight and get fit? Rebounding is low impact exercise on a mini trampoline and it can have huge health benefits. Those who rebound can see some great benefits on the outside and can do an awful lot for their internal self as well. It's even a great exercise for fightin off candida.

What is rebounding?

Bounce on a mini trampoline! It's low impact, high result exercising that can be done by people of all ages. Older people with stability and balance issues can have a bar that helps you stabilize. This exercise can benefit anyone at any age.

This type of exercise is easy and provides about double the workout of the same workout routine done on the ground. The exertion is about half and the rate of caloric burning and toning is substantial. Plop your mini trampoline down in front of the television and pick a half hour show to watch while you bounce. You'll tone your legs and your butt and you'll break a sweat. You'll cleanse your lymphatic system, reduce your cholesterol, improve your posture and trim inches off your body.

Rebounders are inexpensive and can be used anywhere that you have around 3+ feet and lots of overhead clearance. I bought my mini trampoline for $40.00 and it folds down to put away when I'm not using it. Follow care and safety guidelines and burn calories while having a fun bounce on your rebounding trampoline.

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