Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tips to Rapidly Alter Your Health

If you want to change your health for the better, you can do it no matter what age you are at. It can seem like a big thing to do but if you simply start off with a few small tasks, you will find that you look and feel better. Those small steps can lead to big leaps over time as well.

Drink more water!

Your body needs hydration otherwise you’ll feel tired, sluggish and you’ll crave unnecessary and (probably unhealthy) foods. Most headaches come due to dehydration and most people who snack between meals really aren’t hungry at all but don’t recognize that extra hydration can calm hunger pangs between meals. By drinking more water and less sugary drinks you’ll look and feel better.

Add Colour To Your Plate!

Let's call it a rainbow diet. A colourful plate is going to be filled with vitamins and nutrients. Try to get as many natural colours on your plate as possible. This helps you get 5-10 servings of vegetables in as well which can reduce your risk for serious illness later in life as well as help reverse the aging process with healthy antioxidants.

Eat Breakfast!

Most people who are unhealthy skip breakfast. Taking the time to eat a small amount of food in the morning will not only help you feel more awake and alert but will jump start your metabolism. It’s called break-fast for a reason. Your body needs to break the fast and get moving again. Don’t think breakfast adds on extra calories because if you choose a healthy breakfast like fruit and cereal you have a better chance of losing weight because your metabolism will start working harder.

Take Vitamins

Despite best efforts, most people don’t get all their required vitamins and nutrients every day. While you should strive to get as much nutrition from your food as possible, taking a multivitamin is a very good idea. Take something that’s natural instead of synthetic and take something that is age and gender appropriate to ensure you are getting all your body needs.

Baby Steps To Better Health

Health and lifestyle changes in small steps can lead to a healthier, happier you. The most important aspect to health is knowledge. Learn more about how to get and stay healthy. The more attention you give to your health and wellness the more vital you’ll feel and after a while, being healthy can become more addictive than living an unhealthy lifestyle!


Theresa E Berger said...

Well, as you probably know a recent study said that we don't need 8 glasses of water a day and that this was only a "myth." UGH! After people begin to dehydrate themselves from no longer drinking a sufficient amount of water, another study will come out and say people aren't drinking enough. Ugh, again.

Dana Prince said...

I know just what you're saying, Theresa! I used to struggle to get enough water but now that I try to drink nothing but water (except my coffee, tea and the odd smoothie) I find it's not difficult to drink 3-4 bottles of water a day which equate to 7-8 glasses. By not drinking pop I'm paying closer attention to my thirst and hydration and it's not a struggle to drink water as I actually crave it. Thanks for stopping by!
Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

We just don't stock anything but water and milk (and coffee for my addiction) in the house. Then, no one has a choice but to drink water. When we have company over, we do buy other items. I was amazed when we did it, because all of my sleeping problems went away as soon as I stopped drinking cola!