Thursday, April 10, 2008

Getting It Down..Learning To Like The Healthy Stuff

I just drank my Greens Plus shake. I thought it was horrid when I first started drinking it but I've gotten quite accustomed to it and now find it rather pleasant. I know that it's most effective when taken with pure water and drank quickly because of the live cultures in it but if you need to blend it with something to help get accustomed to the taste, it's a good way to get into the routine. I often mix it into a smoothie with probiotic yogurt, fresh juice and a banana.

I take Greens Plus because it is equivalent to six servings of organic green vegetables a day. I want all the antioxidants I can get! It has a long list of ingredients that are very beneficial.

Apple Cider Vinegar is also really healthy for numerous reasons (check my archives) but tastes horrid. I take it because it provides a lot of minerals I need and is great for boosting my immune system. Last week I felt illness coming on and took it preventively. I mix Braggs Organic ACV with orange juice or apple juice to get it down and do it quick. Make sure you don't brush your teeth directly after having your ACV as it can harm your enamel. Mixing it with baking soda can take down the acidity but it tastes rather pastey. Many ACV enthusiasts highly recommend taking apple cider vinegar with a spoonful of honey as it can actually enhance the health benefits.

When I decided to drink more water instead of pop, it was difficult at first but now nothing quenches my thirst like a glass of water. You can unlearn your bad habits and learn new habits.

When you switch from enriched white bread to whole wheat, it will be an adjustment but for me, after a few years of having whole wheat bread white bread just doesn't cut it for me anymore. It feels almost like having a piece of cake instead of a piece of bread and I now prefer the nutty flavour and the texture of whole wheat.

I also started incorporating organic coconut oil into my diet and at first missed the flavours of all the butter I was using. Now, I crave it and enjoy it. It cooks food beautifully and is easy to slip into my smoothie or mix into recipes.

The point to today's blog post is to tell you that while changing lifestyle habits is a bit daunting at first, before long your new habits will feel completely natural and life will feel incomplete without them. Here's to your good health!


Anonymous said...

I must make my hsuband read this. He won't eat anything that doesn't taste good. Usually it takes a lot of 'unhealthy' stuff to make it taste good like butter, startch, sugar, and salt!

Anonymous said...

In my household, I've slowly converted everyone over to a healthier lifestyle. I do it in sneaky ways, then when everyone says, "this tastes good!" I tell them what I did. One way to get everyone to eat whole wheat bread was to make my own. Although not everyone will do this, I love to bake bread and everyone in my house loves to eat it.