Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Help! There's Asbestos in My House

Asbestos is frightening. People hear about Asbestos, Asbestosis and Mesothelioma and law suits and it's frightening when you find out there is asbestos in your house. Should you remove it?

Removing Asbestos

If it can be safely removed, there are companies that will do this for you. In many cases it makes more sense to leave it undisturbed. There was a time when a lot of different products were made with this product so if you have an older house it could be in your walls, your attic and even your floor tiles could be made with it. Until it goes airborne, it really doesn't pose a risk. A person who can remove asbestos has a special license. Do not attempt to remove it yourself!

In many cases, it makes sense to simply cover up the asbestos so that the fibers cannot be disturbed and go airborne. The problem with asbestos-related illnesses is that they can take twenty or more years to show up and symptoms can be asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia like.

If you suspect there is asbestos in your home, school or work place talk to your local environmental agency to find out what should be done to protect your health.

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