Monday, May 28, 2007

Greens Plus for Antioxidant Power

My sister worked for a successful sports medicine chiropractor who dabbles a fair bit in alternative medicine as well. They do an antioxidant measuring test to tell you what your antioxidant levels are at. The higher your levels, the better you are equipped to fight against free radicals (cancer causing agents) and aging.

At my sister's clinic, the highest antioxidant levels were found in people who said that they took Greens Plus on a daily basis. I decided to try it.

We bought the tangerine dream kind and mixed it with water. It was pricey at $22 for a small bottle and tasted nasty but we felt quite perky that day. The next day we mixed it with apple juice. Much better...

To drink the full dose daily is equivalent to eating 6 sevings of organic green vegetables. It has great stuff in it like Japanese green tea extract and bee pollen as well as dandelion and all sorts of other wonderful herbs that I'm learning a lot about through one of my freelance writing projects. I've joined the website (the makers of greens plus) and love their company philosophy.

Tips for taking greens plus:
-Take on an empty stomach
-Only gradually increase your dose to the recommended 3 teaspoons a day. Start with a 1/2 teaspoon and increase slowly a week or two at a time otherwise it can be hard on your stomach
-don't mix with any drugs. My husband was on antibiotics and took greens plus about 30 minutes after taking it and broke out in a head to toe rash. If you are taking anything, talk to your doctor. You might be able to take it several hours after taking medicine but talk to your doctor to be safe.
-mix it with a banana, some organic probiotic yogurt and other fruit for a greens shake. I drink one almost every day for breakfast and it's a great way to get my kids to take greens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dana Prince, i just read your blog and its great. Talking about antioxidant. Drinking antioxidant water should work be very good too to make your body fit and young. Anyways hope i read more of your post.