Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fibre Is Your Friend

Have you heard of the All-Bran Two Week Challenge? All-Bran has been blitzing to get people aware of how much we actually need fiber.

The average person gets about 7-8 grams of fiber a day and the recommendation is 25 grams a day. Are you riddled with constipation? Are you bloated and gassy or suffer from digestive upset? You need to get things MOVING, friend...

The All-Bran challenge suggests adding a 1/2 cup of bran per day to your diet. Bran based cereal isn't the tastiest thing out there but it really can improve your health. There's a famous article out there called "Death Starts in the Colon" and it's worth a read if you can find it...people need to keep their plumbing systems in tip-top shape to ensure that they're keeping their health at the top of their priority list. Elimination is KEY.

Fast food and fiber-less food will hurt your health in many ways.

Here are a few tips:
-eat lots of fruit and vegetables
-eat whole grains and beans and legumes
-drink plenty of water
-avoid commercial laxative products unless absolutely necessary
-add bran or psyllium fibre to your breakfast cereal every day

Remember the movie, Crazy People with Dudley Moore? I loved the part that said something to the effect of that you needed to take Metamucil otherwise get cancer and die. The slogan was, "YES! I want to go to the bathroom!"
So true.

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