Sunday, April 27, 2008

Healing With Anti Inflammatory Foods

Foods can be healing. Anti inflammatory foods should regularly be incorporated into the diet, especially when you're unwell or dealing with chronic pain. Those with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, for instance, can find a significant difference when eating foods that have anti inflammatory properties.

Here is a short list of some of the foods that fit the bill:

-olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil
-lean protein (chicken and fish)
-dark leafy vegetables
-whole grain foods
-red wine or grapes
-green tea
-spices such as ginger, garlic, oregano and cinnamon

Foods that are pro inflammatory include unhealthy fats, sugar and junk food. It's evident that foods that are generally part of a healthy lifestyle overall can contribute to good health in many different ways.

Beyond pain management, you can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's as well. While you might be someone that needs medication for pain management, you might find that increasing the anti inflammatory foods you consume could lessen the frequency of medication. For others who are getting into health and fitness, eating these types of foods could be very beneficial for you for many reasons including post workout recovery.


Anonymous said...

I never knew there were foods that could reduce inflammation. This is very interesting. I hope to include some of these foods in my diet.

Anonymous said...

My husband has arthritis bad. I never noticed it, but we've added flaxseed, nuts, and berries to our diet this winter in larger amounts and he hasn't been complaining about his hands.

Anonymous said...

People have no idea how unhealthy sugar is. The chemicals they add to keep it from clumping, make it look white, and make it 'flow.'

Salt is another culprit. They are putting so much salt in food now. Even some bottled water has so much salt in it that diabetics cannot drink it.