Sunday, April 20, 2008

What Are Probiotic Yogurt Challenges?

If you're scratching your head about what the fuss is with probiotic yogurts and seemingly mysterious two week challenges, here's a bit of advice that can demystify.

We all have bacteria in our bodies. We have friendly bacteria in our bellies that helps to break down food and overpower unfriendly bacteria. It works as an integral part of our chemistry. Positive flora is something that is in probiotic bacteria which can enhance digestive functions and your immune system.

In a healthy body, we should have enough positive flora to do the job but when things go out of whack, it can make this a challenge and the result can be that we don't digest as easily as possible which impacts how we feel and will impact our colon transit time (a.k.a. how often you have a bowel movement.)

When should you take probiotics?

Probiotics can be needed when:

-You have an infection or are prone to candida or yeast infections
-You've had antibiotics
-You've been feeling unwell or are repeatedly ill
-You have digestive problems like IBS-C, IBS-D or a combination.

Yeast infections happen due to the overgrowth of candida which is the growth of candida albicans bacterium. Probiotics can help the spread of candida by overpowering the candida albicans. Think of positive bacteria such as in yogurt as vigilante bacteria with an attitude who can fend off the bad guys.

Antibiotics are great for killing off harmful bacteria in your body but they also kill the positive flora which can cause havoc on your digestive system. This is why many now stop for yogurt on the way home from the drug store after picking up Penicillin.

Those who are repeatedly ill might also consider taking probiotics to help strengthen their immune system. Probiotics can be taken in yogurt or cheese as well as in vitamin supplements that include live bacteria.

What about prebiotics?

Prebiotics are components that can help stimulate the growth of the positive flora in your body. This way you not only have to consume probiotics but are more prone to making your own.

Many who are prone to yeast infections or who are recovering from an infection that required antibiotics find that having probiotic yogurt regularly helped ward off problems and correct them.

And, for those with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), diarrhea or other digestive disturbances, many found that by taking a serving of probiotic yogurt daily over a few week period they saw positive changes in their digestive functions: Hence the 14 day challenge.


Anonymous said...

I've been debating whether I should take the 14 day challenge. I think I'll take it after reading this article :)

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered what the rave was about yogurt. I myself am lactose intolerant, so I can't take advantage of it.

FireHazrd said...

Great post... for those who want to know more like me, i found an interesting FAQ Probiotic Yogurt