Friday, June 20, 2008

Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Headlice

Head lice is a nasty thing to have to deal with. It happens to many people regardless of whether the head is clean or dirty and regardless of whether the child is from a wealthy home or a poor home. How do you get rid of them without dealing with carcinogenic chemicals? Here are some tips:

Natural Lice Removal

-Rinse the hair in vinegar. Vinegar can prevent the nits from hatching
-Cover the hair in mayonnaise, olive oil or Vaseline to prevent the bugs from traveling and then use a lice comb to get all the nits out. Flush them.
-Heat styling with a flat iron can kill them. Get as close to the scalp as you can without burning the skin as this is where they nits live
-Buy a lice brush. There are combs / brushes on the market that detect and kill nits and their eggs.

Removing Lice and Nits from the House

Do remember to launder everything in hot and consider bagging all children's stuffed animals for two weeks. Do a check again in 7-10 days in case any missed nits have had a chance to hatch. It's safe to assume that if one family member has it, the entire family should be treated for lice.


kellilvn said...

Have you heard of using tea tree oil shampoo or putting 10 drops of tea tree oil in an 8 oz bottle of shampoo to help prevent a reinfestation of lice? My hubby and boys didn't get lice when my dgtr and I did, they were using an anti-dandruff shampoo that happened to contain tea tree oil. I looked it up online and read that the tea tree oil can be used to keep the lice away.

Dana Prince said...

Yes, Kelli..great advice. We had a run in with the critters recently and I put tea tree oil in our H&S shampoo. Fingers crossed we won't get them again!